About CEQ

The Commitment to Equity (CEQ) Institute at Tulane University works to reduce inequality and poverty through comprehensive and rigorous tax and benefit incidence analysis, and active engagement with the policy community. Building on the seven years of achievements of the CEQ project, the Institute was founded in May 2015 with Nora Lustig as its Director.
The Institute has four main areas of work: methods and policy tools, a data center on fiscal redistribution, advisory and training services, and bridges to policy.
Tax and benefit incidence studies using the CEQ methodology (CEQ Handbook) have been completed in a wide array of low and middle income countries in all regions of the world. Results are published in the CEQ Data Center and Publications.
The Institute’s studies have been published in leading peer-reviewed journals such as Journal of Development Economics, Public Finance Review, the Review of Income and Wealth, and World Development.
In October 2015, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation awarded $4.9 million dollars to support the Institute achieve its goals.
To stay current on CEQ activities, subscribe to our CEQ Snapshot.
Meet the CEQ Team, Advisory Board and Research Associates.
Commitment to Equity (CEQ) Institute
Tulane University
6823 St. Charles Ave.
Tilton Hall, Suite 206
New Orleans, LA 70118
Tel: (504) 862-3946
Fax: (504) 862-8678
MB Code: 1425