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The Commitment to Equity (CEQ) Institute, founded by Nora Lustig in 2015, works to reduce inequality and poverty through comprehensive and rigorous tax and benefit incidence analysis, and active engagement with the policy community. Click here for a primer.



 “The Impact of Taxes and Transfers on Income Inequality, Poverty, and the Urban-Rural and Regional Income Gaps in China.”
Nora Lustig and Yang Wang


The Redistributive Impact of Fiscal Policy Indicator: A new global standard for assessing government effectiveness in tackling inequality within the SDG framework
Nora Lustig, Chiara Mariotti & Carolina Sánchez-Páramo


Access the Commitment to Equity Handbook Estimating the Impact of Fiscal Policy on Inequality and Poverty for free online or order a hardcopy.

“This book is a very much needed and welcome effort in the systematization of techniques and an enormous contribution to the existing body of evidence and knowledge on fiscal incidence.”

Jorge Martinez-Vazquez, Director, International Center for Public Policy, Andrew Young School of Policy Studies, Georgia State University.

Browse Map for Publications by Country

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In Progress

1. Burkina Faso
2. Cambodia
3. The Gambia
4. Greece
5. India

6. Kyrgyz Republic
7. Laos
8. Lesotho
9. Mauritius
10. Moldova
11. Montenegro
12. Morocco
13. Serbia
14. Spain
15. Tajikistan
16. Timor-Leste

17. Turkey
18. Uzbekistan

Citing the CEQ Institute

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  • For Terms of Use on CEQ Institute materials, including the CEQ name, click here.
  • For publications, follow the usual citation procedure.
  • For indicators, follow the directions in the “Cite As” sheet.
  • For presentations, cite the references as specified on the presentations.


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