July 9-10, 2018
“Commitment to Equity (CEQ): Fiscal Incidence using the CEQ approach” at the World Bank, Washington, D.C.
Video recordings of the training are available below:
Fiscal Incidence using the CEQ approach – Jul 10, 2018
July 7, 2017“Commitment to Equity (CEQ):Introduction, Recent Innovations, and the CEQ Stata Package,” by Sean Higgins. Presented at the World Bank as part of Poverty Global Practice Summer School, Washington, D.C. July 17, 2017.
Video recording of the training is available below:
CEQ 2.0 – New Approaches and Methodologies – Jul 17, 2017 PART 1
CEQ 2.0 – New Approaches and Methodologies – Jul 17, 2017 PART 2
June 29 – July 7, 2017
“Training Workshop on the Commitment to Equity Methodology,” Presented by Stephen D. Younger at the Ministry of Finance, Dili, Timor-Leste.
February 7 – 10, 2017
“Training Workshop on the Commitment to Equity Methodology,” Presented at The Ministry of Finance, Accra, Ghana, Accra, Ghana. February 7-10, 2017.
September 26 – 30, 2016
“DG DEVCO Staff Seminar on Social Protection- from strategies to concrete approaches.”Presented at Seminar on Social Protection –from Strategies to Concrete Approaches-, European Commission, Brussels, Belgium, September 26-30, 2016.
“Social Protection from the Fiscal Perspective,” by Jon Jellema. Presented at Seminar on Social Protection –from Strategies to Concrete Approaches-, European Commission, Brussels, Belgium, September 26-30, 2016.
“Issues in Fiscal Incidence and Redistribution (Part A),” by Jon Jellema. Presented at Seminar on Social Protection –from Strategies to Concrete Approaches-, European Commission, Brussels, Belgium, September 26-30, 2016.
“Issues in Fiscal Incidence and Redistribution (Part B),” by Jon Jellema. Presented at Seminar on Social Protection –from Strategies to Concrete Approaches-, European Commission, Brussels, Belgium, September 26-30, 2016.
“Fiscal Incidence in South Africa,” by Jon Jellema. Presented at Seminar on Social Protection –from Strategies to Concrete Approaches-, European Commission, Brussels, Belgium, September 26-30, 2016.
“The Impact of Fiscal Policy and its Components on Poverty and Inequality in Ethiopia,” by Jon Jellema. Presented at Seminar on Social Protection –from Strategies to Concrete Approaches-, European Commission, Brussels, Belgium, September 26-30, 2016.

Day 1, Session 1: Introduction to CEQ - A Primer by Nora Lustig
Day 1, Session 2a: Theoretical Highlights in Fiscal Incidence Analysis by Ali Enami and Nora Lustig
Day 1, Session 2b: CEQ Effectiveness Indicators by Ali Enami
Day 1, Session 3: Fiscal Incidence Analysis in Practice: Construction of Income Concepts by Sean Higgins
Day 1, Session 5: The Incidence of Indirect Taxes and Subsidies: Theory and method for calculating household-level welfare impacts by Gabriela Inchauste
Day 2: The Indirect Impact of Indirect Taxes and Subsidies: Data Run-through and Exercise by Jon Jellema

– Fiscal policy and redistribution in Namibia by Jon Jellema
– Paraguay: Commitment to Equity by Maria Ana Lugo
Day 1, Session 5: The Incidence of Indirect Taxes and Subsidies: Theory and Method for Calculating Household-level Welfare Impacts by Gabriela Inchuaste
Day 3: CEQ Quality Management by Sandra Martínez-Aguilar
September 22 – 24, 2015
“Sesión 1: Introducción al CEQ,” by Sean Higgins. Presented at Taller de CEQ: Commitment to Equity Institute, Tulane University and the World Bank, Asunción, Paraguay, September 22-24, 2015.
“Sesión 2: Análisis de incidencia fiscal en la práctica,” by Sean Higgins. Presented at Taller de CEQ: Commitment to Equity Institute, Tulane University and the World Bank, Asunción, Paraguay, September 22-24, 2015.
“Learning Event on the Commitment to Equity Methodology,” by Ali Enami, Sean Higgins, Gabriela Inchauste, Jon Jellema, and Nora Lustig. Presented at The World Bank, Washington, D.C. February 18-20, 2015.
Session 1: Introduction to CEQ by Nora Lustig
Session 2: The Analytics of Fiscal Redistribution by Nora Lustig
Session 3: Experiences with Implementing CEQ
– South Africa by Catriona Purfield
– Indonesia by Luky Alfirman and Jon Jellema
Session 4: Fiscal Incidence Analysis in Practice by Nora Lustig
Session 4b: Fiscal Incidence Analysis in Practice: Filling Out the Master Workbook by Nora Lustig
Session 4 and 5: Fiscal Incidence Analysis in Practice: Construction of Income Concepts and Components by Sean Higgins