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Middle East and North Africa

James Alm. 2015. “Analyzing and Reforming Tunisia’s Tax System.” CEQ Working Paper 34, Center for Inter-American Policy and Research and Department of Economics, Tulane University and Inter-American Dialogue, May.


Shimeles, Abebe, Ahmed Moummi, Nizar Jouini and Nora Lustig. “Fiscal Policy, Income Redistribution and Poverty Reduction: Evidence from Tunisia.” Review of Income and Wealth 64: S225-S248.

Earlier Version:

Shimeles, Abebe, Ahmed Moummi, Nizar Jouini and Nora Lustig. 2017. “Fiscal Policy, Income Redistribution and Poverty Reduction: Evidence from Tunisia.” CEQ Working Paper 38, Commitment to Equity Institute, Tulane University, REVISED June.

Alam, Shamma, and Umar Serajuddin. 2017.“The Distributional Impact of Fiscal Policy in Jordan.”CEQ Working Paper 44, Commitment to Equity Institute, Tulane University, and the World Bank, May.

Enami, Ali, Nora Lustig and Alireza Taqdiri. “Fiscal Policy, Inequality and Poverty in Iran: Assessing the Impact and Effectiveness of Taxes and Transfers.” Middle East Development Journal 11(1): 49-74.

Earlier Version:

Enami, Ali, Nora Lustig and Alireza Taqdiri. 2017. “Fiscal Policy, Inequality and Poverty in Iran: Assessing the Impact and Effectiveness of Taxes and Transfers.” CEQ Working Paper 48, CEQ Institute, Tulane University, REVISED, September.

Lustig, Nora. 2017.“Fiscal Policy, Income Redistribution and Poverty Reduction in Low and Middle Income Countries.”CEQ Working Paper 54, CEQ Institute, Tulane University, REVISED, June.


Enami, Ali. 2017. “An Application of the CEQ Effectiveness Indicators: The Case of Iran.”  CEQ Working Paper 58, CEQ Institute, Tulane University, REVISED July.


Enami, Ali and Nora Lustig. 2018. “Inflation and the Erosion of the Poverty Reduction Impact of Iran’s Universal Cash Transfer.” CEQ Working Paper 68, CEQ Institute, Tulane University, April.

The Distributional Impact of Taxes and Transfers: Evidence from Eight Low & Middle Income Countries.
 Edited by Gabriela Inchauste and Nora Lustig, 2017, Washington DC: World Bank. 

Event Page
Video Recording
Publication Page
World Bank Video: How Tax and Spending Policies Can Reduce Poverty and Inequality
Blog Post: World Bank – Let’s Talk Development: “How do taxes and transfers impact poverty and inequality in developing countries?”

Impact of Fiscal Policy on Inequality and Poverty in the Arab Republic of Egypt

World Bank Group
April 2019

Enami, Ali and Nora Lustig. 2018. “The Wrecking Force of Inflation: How the Universal Cash Transfer in Iran Has Lost its Poverty Reduction Impact.” Economic Research Forum. Policy Brief. June.

Economic Research Forum WP 1020
The role of fiscal policy in fighting poverty and reducing inequality in Iran: an application of the commitment to equity (CEQ) framework
June 2016

“Les Effets De La Politique Budgétaire Sur La Pauvreté Et Les Inégalités Au Maroc.”
Ehrhart, Hélène, Houssine Ihnach, Abdenbi El Ansary, Abdelfettah Hamadi, Hassan Bakrim and Stephen D. Younger.
Agence Française de Développement: No. 193
November 2020