3/30/16 CEQ's Estuardo Morán presented "Fiscal Policy and Income Redistribution in Latin America: Argentina, Bolivia, Brasil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, México, Perú and Uruguay" in Tegucigalpa, Honduras.
Click here to view the presentation.
3/16/16 As part of CEPAL's Regional Seminar on Fiscal Policy, Nora Lustig presented "Fiscal Policy and Income Redistribution in Latin America: Argentina, Bolivia, Brasil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, México, Perú and Uruguay" in Santiago, Chile
Click here to view the presentation.
3/11/16 CEQ, The Dialogue and Fundación RAP organized “Diálogos de compromiso con la equidad" seminar in Buenos Aires, highlighting findings on Argentina.
Click here to view the presentation.
3/3/16 CEQ's Estuardo Morán presented Fiscal Policy Incidence on Poverty and Inequality in Latin America at the G-24 Technical Group Meeting in Cartagena.
Click here to view the presentation.

2/1/16 - 2/3/16 The CEQ team hosted a three-day workshop at the World Bank to present the Commitment to Equity methodology along with early evidence from recent studies.
Pictured from left to right:
Ali Enami (Tulane University)
Sandra Martinez (CEQ Institute Technical Coordinator)
Nora Lustig (CEQ Institute Director)
Sean Higgins (Tulane University and CEQ Institute Director of Data Center)
Jon Jellema (CEQ Institute Associate Director for Africa, Asia and Europe)
Click here to view the workshop agenda
1/29/16 CEQ signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the Organization of American States to deepen the relationship between the two institutions and look for ways to cooperate on joint project, programs and activities in the are of social inclusion, equity and social protection.
1/20/2016: On January 20th, Professor Stephen Younger presented the final results of the CEQ Assessment Tanzania in Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania.
Click here to see the presentation.
Click here to read the report.
12/16/2015 - Fiscal Policy, Inequality and Poverty in Middle- and Low-income Countries: Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Ethiopia, Ghana, Indonesia, Mexico, Peru, South Africa and Tanzania
Nora Lustig - International Monetary Fund - Washington, DC, December 16, 2015
Click here to download the presentation.
12/16/2015 - Fiscal Policy, Inequality and Poverty in Middle- and Low-income Countries: Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Ethiopia, Ghana, Indonesia, Mexico, Peru, South Africa and Tanzania
Nora Lustig - Presented at Social Protection and Labor
Global Practice - World Bank - Washington, DC, December 16, 2015
Click here to download the presentation.
11/09/2015 - Fiscal Policy, Inequality and Poverty in Middle Income Countries: Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Indonesia, Mexico, Peru and South Africa
Nora Lustig - Presented at The Welfare State and the Fight Against Inequality - Columbia University, New York, Novemeber 8 and 9, 2015
Click here to download the presentation.
CEQ Assessment for Ghana, final presentation, Accra, Ghana, October 29, 2015. click here
Prof. Claudiney Pereira presented the Commitment to Equity methods and cross-country results in Ecuador Workshop "Igualdad y erradicación de la pobreza"
click here
CEQ presentation by Nora Lustig at Oxfam, Washington DC, September 24, 2015
click here
CEQ: Taller de entrenamiento, Ministerio de Finanzas, Asunción, Paraguay. Sean Higgins.
Presentation 1 click here | Presentation 1 click here
11/18/2014 - Inequality, Poverty, Markets and the State: the Case of Brazil
Nora Lustig - Presented at the 1st International Seminar, A World Without Poverty in Brasilia, Brazil.
Click here to view the presentation.
5/12/2014 -Fiscal Policy ant the Ethno-racial divide in Bolivia, Brazil, Guatemala And Uruguay
Nora Lustig - Tulane University; CGD and IAD
For more information click here.
5/5/2014 -Los efectos de la política fiscal sobre la desigualdad y la pobreza
Nora Lustig - Tulane University
For more information click here.
4/24/2014 -Taxation, Transfers, and Redistribution Brazil and the United States
Nora Lustig - Tulane University
For more information click here.
3/1/2014 -How can fiscal policy be better aligned with scaling up service delivery?
Nora Lustig - Tulane University
For more information click here.
2/6/2014 -UNDP presented CEQ-Costa Rica results to Minister of Finance on Feb 6, 2014
For more information click here.1/22/2014 -The Impact of Taxes and Social Spending on Inequality and Poverty in Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Mexico, Peru and Uruguay: An Overview
Public Finance Workshop ECLAC, United Nations Santiago, ChileTulane University - Claudiney Pereira
For more information click here.
11/21/2013 -Fiscal Policy and the Ethno-Racial Divide: Bolivia, Brazil and Uruguay
Nora Lustig
Tulane University
Inter-American Development Bank
Washington, DC, November 21, 2013
For more information click here.
(Spanish) Entrevista a Nora Lustig por el Programa de Género y Diversidad del Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo. ¿Consiguen los impuestos y el gasto social recortar la brecha que existe entre los ingresos de los que más ganan y los que menos, tienen de una forma equitativa para todos los grupos raciales y étnicos? Ver entrevista
10/17/2013 - Fiscal Policy and Redistribution in Latin America
Tulane University
- Nora Lustig
For more information click here.
10/03/2013 - Los efectos de la política fiscal sobre desigualdad y pobreza en México y otros países de América Látina
"Los efectos de la política fiscal sobre desigualdad y pobreza en México y otros países de América Látina"Instituto de Investigaciones Económicas - Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
Nora Lustig y Sean Higgins
For more information click here.
9/23/2013 - ICEFI Workshop
ICEFI holds a kick-off workshop to launch a rural-urban CEQ in Central American countries with funding from IFAD. For more information click here.
6/7/2013 - IMF Workshop
Fiscal Policy, Poverty and Redistribution in Latin America by
Nora Lustig
6/5/2013 - LCSPE Workshop
LCSPE Workshop "Does LAC have the Capacity to Redistribute"
6/4/2013 - Inter-American Dialogue
Fiscal Policy, Poverty and Redistribution in Latin America by
Nora Lustig
5/31/2013 - The Effects of Brazil's High Taxation
The Effects of Brazil's High Taxation and Social Spending on the Distribution of Household Income by Sean Higgins and Claudiney Pereira.
5/31/2013 - The Impact of Taxes and Social Spending
The Impact of Taxes and Social Spending on Inequality and Poverty in Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Mexico, Peru and Uruguay: An Overview by Nora Lustig.
Download PowerPoint Presentation
5/31/2013 - Social Spending and Income Redistribution in Argentina During the 2000s
Social Spending and Income Redistribution in Argentina During the 2000s: the Increasing Role of Noncontributory Pensions By Nora Lustig, Carola Pessino.
Download PowerPoint Presentation
5/31/2013 - Redistributive Impact and Efficiency of Mexico's Fiscal System
Redistributive Impact and Efficiency of Mexico's Fiscal System by John Scott
Download PowerPoint Presentation
5/6/2013 - Measuring Impoverishment
Measuring Impoverishment: An Overlooked Dimension of Fiscal Incidence by Sean Higgins, Nora Lustig
Download PowerPoint Presentation
Taxes, Social Spending and Income Redistribution in Latin America - Nora Lustig
Download Presentation
4/2/2013 - Latin America.
Nora Lustig for the Online Forum: The Redistributive Impact of Fiscal Policy
View Video
4/2/2013 - Argentina
Carola Pessino on Fiscal Policies in Argentina
View Video
4/2/2013 - Bolivia
George Gray Molina on Fiscal Policies in Bolivia
View Video
3/12/2013 - Equity Day - Colombia.
Carlos Hurtado, Nora Lustig, and Marcela Meléndez -
World Bank and Government of Colombia - Bogotá, Colombia
Download Agenda
Download PowerPoint Presentation
01/21/2013 - Methodology of the Fiscal Incidence Analysis.
Nora Lustig and Sean Higgins - Tulane University
African Development Bank - Tunis, Tunisia.
Download File
12/04/2012 - Who pays taxes and benefits from social spending? Fiscal incidence analysis by ethnicity and race: Bolivia, Brazil, Guatemala and Uruguay.
Nora Lustig – Tulane University, CGD and IAD
Inter‐American Development Bank, Washington, DC.
Download File
11/01/2012 - Fiscal Incidence, Fiscal Mobility and the Poor: A New Approach
Nora Lustig and Sean Higgins - Department of Economics - Tulane University
LACEA–LAMES. Lima, Peru.
Download File
09/12/2012 Gasto Social, Impuestos y Redistribución de Ingresos en Uruguay.
Marisa Bucheli, Nora Lustig, Máximo Rossi and Florencia Amábile.
CEQ – Tulane University – CIPR – Inter-American Dialogue – Departamento de Economía Facultad de Ciencias Sociales Universidad de la República.
Presentación para el Ministerio de Economía y Finanzas, Montevideo.
Download File
06/07/2012 - Fiscal Incidence Analysis in LA: Methodological Issues and Results.
Nora Lustig – Tulane University – CGD and IAD
World Bank,Washington, DC
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06/01/2012 - Fiscal Incidence, Fiscal Mobility and the Poor: A New Approach.
Nora Lustig and Sean Higgins - Department of Economics - Tulane University
Well-being and inequality in the long run: measurement, history and ideas
Universidad Carlos III de Madrid and the World Bank – Madrid
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05/21/2012 - Política fiscal, desigualdad y pobreza en Bolivia, Brasil, México y Perú. ¿Cómo le va al sector rural?
Nora Lustig - Tulane University Center for Global Development and Inter-American Dialogue.
Desarrollo rural en América Latina: preguntas, perspectivas y desafíos. Fondo Internacional de Desarrollo Agrícola (FIDA)
Antigua, Guatemala.
Download File
05/18/2012 - Política fiscal, desigualdad y pobreza en Argentina, Bolivia, Brasil, México y Perú. Nora Lustig – Tulane University Center for Global Development and Inter-American Dialogue
II Seminario Internacional "Perspectivas para el desarrollo"
Finanzas Públicas y Desarrollo en América Latina CAF y Universidad del Pacífico
Lima, Perú,
Download File
05/15/2012 - Taxes, Transfers, Inequality and Poverty: Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Mexico and Peru.
Nora Lustig – Tulane University Nonresident Fellow Center for Global Development and Inter‐American Dialogue
Brookings Institution, Washington, D.C.
Download File
05/15/2012 - Taxes, Transfers, Inequality and Poverty: Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Mexico and Peru.
Nora Lustig – Tulane University Nonresident Fellow Center for Global Development and Inter‐American Dialogue
Inter-American Dialogue and Tulane University Inter-American Development Bank. Washington, DC.
Download File
05/14/2012 - Taxes, Transfers, Inequality and Poverty: Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Mexico and Peru.
Nora Lustig – Tulane University Nonresident Fellow Center for Global Development and Inter‐American Dialogue
IMF, FAD. Washington, DC.
Download File
05/10/2012 - LCSPE Workshop on Fiscal Incidence Analysis
World Bank, Washington, DC.
Download File
04/20/2012 - Taxes,Transfers, Inequality and Poverty In Latin America.
Nora Lustig – Tulane University
Network on Inequality and Poverty, LACEA, Columbia University.
Download File
04/19/2012 - Taxes, Transfers, Inequality and Poverty in Latin America.
Nora Lustig - Tulane University.
Brown University.
Download File
03/13/2012 - Compromiso con la Equidad. Política fiscal, desigualdad y pobreza en América Latina.
Nora Lustig – Universidad de Tulane
"El rostro fiscal de Centroamérica en el nuevo contexto mundial" ICEFI, Guatemala.
Download File
11/03/2011 – Fiscal Policy, Inequality and Poverty in Latin America Commitment to Equity (CEQ) Workshop.
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